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A Book of Shadows

The new moon is the perfect time to set new intentions and freshen up your vibe! Try this:

🌙 In a bucket, mix together fresh water and a mixture of peppermint and orange oils. Stir and you can also add a touch of nutmeg too if you’d like a kick of luck! 

Then using a clean rag, soak it in the mixture, squeezing out the excess, and wash down any doors that are used to go in and outside. 

This combination will bring a purifying effect and also attract lucky, happy energies! Repeat three times and then pour the remaining liquid over your outer steps or walkways for a little extra blessings 🌿💖🌿

As someone who has dealt with anxiety for most of my life, I wanted to share one of my favorite stones that helps me, because I know that many people also contend with the discomfort of anxiety 🩵

A selection of amazonite crystals and jewelry

This crystal can help clear muddled thoughts and make for better self understanding. 

It can help you to stop from worrying too much, and from expecting the worst. A crystal of hope, it’ll bring you into a place that makes it harder to be negative. In addition, it improves all relationships by improving your self love and self esteem, which are cornerstones of all types of healthy relationships. 

It can release your creative and imaginative side  and help with projects and artistic visions.

Amazonite is an excellent crystal to work with for manifestation. Its energy encourages you to be yourself and courageous, to make your dreams come true, and to keep pushing on until they manifest. 

It attracts joy and happiness and also teaches how to keep this joy in your life for good.

Amazonite is also known as the Stone of Success and Abundance and you’ll attract good fortune and good luck by carrying or wearing it. 

Amazonite is a powerful crystal companion because it will also soothe emotional trauma and upset. It will remove fear in your heart and replace it with happiness and enthusiasm. 

I hope that you can receive the help I have from working with this crystal! 💎🙏

...try this bath as a reset!

A beautiful white bathtub in front of a contemporary red wall

When you have at least a half hour or so… light a white candle and dim the lights. Draw yourself a warm bath, and to it add:

~ three tablespoons of sea salt 

~ a handful of fresh basil leaves 

~ a dropper full of lemon oil or a few fresh lemon slices

Swish the ingredients into the bath, and then soak for at least 15-20 minutes. Imagine any funky or draining energy coming out of your body and into the bathwater. When you're done, watch the water drain and ask Mother Earth to transmute and take away the unbalanced energy. Then take the white candle with you and let it burn out!

Pandora's Box logo in gold
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