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A Book of Shadows

With all of the intense vibrations lately and still coming, I wanted to share about one of my personal, “go to” crystals for replenishing ourselves and vitality! 🤩

A collection of tumbled, terminated, polished citrine crystals, on their own and in jewelry

A potent Solar Plexus Chakra crystal, this powerful gem embodies the bright energy of the Sun. It fill us with cleansing and rejuvenating energies as it purifies negative and toxic influences. It does not hold onto negativity, so it never needs to be cleansed because it always remains pure!

Citrine is a crystal that also attracts prosperity, wealth, and abundance. As an added bonus , it is considered to be lucky as well as beneficial for business success. 

The energy of citrine will give you inspiration and increase your vital energy and drive.  It also helps you pick up the pieces when difficulties arise and find the fortitude to start fresh 💫

If you’re ever having nightmares, place a piece of Citrine into your pillowcase to help keep them at bay 💖

Citrine encourages our true joyous nature to shine freely without fear or limitations!

Try working with it and discover for yourself why this is one of my favorites 🥰

There’s been some pretty heavy and draining energy lately...

The Witch holding a handful of raw ruby crystals I wanted to share about a favorite stone of mine that screams vitality!

Ruby is a stone of courage and inner power. It reminds us of our vigor and can provide a boost in physical energy.  Rubies are connected with the root chakra. 

This crystal governs over matters of passion and pure love. It embodies the vibration of loyalty and trust as well. Ruby also can act as an aphrodisiac by increasing our attraction and desirous energies. 

The witch holding a lighter pink ruby crystal

This powerful stone acts as a shield and can protect our energy from psychic attacks and negativity. Ruby also specifically can help to protect our hearts and emotional well being. 

Rubies open us up to an incredible flow of Divine creativity and emergence. Its energy allows us to feel more secure in our true nature. 

Ruby can also assist us with our self esteem. It amplifies our self confidence and fills us with a sense of personal empowerment and competence. 

Wear or carry a piece of Ruby throughout the coming weeks to balance out all of the current intensity 🩷💎❤️

With the coming eclipses and all of the intense energy they can bring...

The Witch holding a large smoky quartz crystal

...I felt that a good centering stone was perfect to highlight at this time!

This crystal is a highly grounding stone that is associated with the root chakra, and improving connection with the physical world.

It centers the energy, and dispels distractions so you can focus on the physical, and removes negativity.

Smoky Quartz aids in survival instincts and is a tremendously powerful tool for detoxification. It “absorbs” the bad vibes and negative energy surrounding you, and clears the way for more positive manifestation. 

It can help clear the mind of fatigue, depression, and stagnation. Creativity flows more freely when using this crystal. 

Smoky quartz is also a very protective stone, and can be used to help ward and protect the home or wearer. 

I will absolutely be wearing Smoky Quartz during this Eclipse season! The extra warding and clearing vibes will come in handy 💎🖤💎

Pandora's Box logo in gold
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