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Harvest = Gratitude...

It’s almost as if the two words are the perfect marriage. In my mind, you can’t have one without the other... because without the appreciation, the harvest will not be abundant.

Here, in the northern hemisphere, we will celebrate the first harvest holiday, often called Lammas, on August 1st. Some start their celebrations on the eve of July 31st and then continue on through August 1st.

The word Lammas means loaf mass or sometimes feast of bread. The first harvest of wheat, barley, and rye begin and thus the bread making abounds!

This is a time to give thanks~ thanks for all the blessings and opportunities that we have received. It’s a time to open our hearts and let our appreciation and love flow through and out so that we can beam that nourishing gratitude energy into all of creation. This intentional act will then, in turn, radiate that positivity back into us. It’s NATURAL MAGIC at its best!😍💫

It’s also a perfect time for house cleansing and blessing. I’ll be opening my windows and doors and working some good old fashioned rituals to bless my home and all within 🙏 Also, being big on food offerings, I’ll be sharing a nice plate of fruit, seeds, bread, and a huge dose of LOVE to the Earth 💖

Some of my favorite Lammas correspondences are…

~For the altar/sacred space: yellow and white candles, frankincense incense, summer flowers, and words written for gratitude.

~Appropriate Colors: yellow, orange, white, gold, and green.

~Foods: corn, wheat, rye, barley, berries, honey, wine, honey mead, and all kinds of breads.

~Activities: making corn dollies, games, outdoor sports and competitions, house blessings, gratitude rituals and meditations, baking, sharing food and drinks with loved ones and the earth.

How will you choose to honor this year’s first harvest?🌽❤️🌾💞


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