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Crystal of the Week ~ Moonstone

Since we just had a full moon a few days ago, I want to share with you all about Moonstone!

A variety of polished and unpolished moonstone pieces

Moonstone has long been near and dear to me 🥰 In fact, I probably own more moonstone jewelry than any other stone~ and that's saying something, since i sell gemstone jewelry in my Shoppe and am my own best customer 😆

Not only is Moonstone absolutely beautiful, it's also so beneficial with how it assist those who wear or work with it!

The witch holding a triple moon pendant with polished moonstone

This crystal is excellent to connect with if you are feeling out of touch with your Divine self and feel like you need more spiritual guidance.

It is also a powerful crystal for getting in touch with your emotions and feminine energy.

Its uplifting vibe offers joy, hope, and bliss even at the most challenging times, while assisting in the connection with our truest emotions more effectively.

The loving and nurturing energy of Moonstone gives soothing comfort and guidance when times are tough. Because of its strong Divine Feminine and Goddess nature, it's like having a maternal figure there

lending support whenever needed.

The witch holding a variety of tumbled moonstones in different colors

On top of its emotional attributes, it is also known to be a very protective stone in relation to traveling. In Ancient Rome, it was known to protect travelers, particularly during the nighttime. And in modern times it is still effective for safe travel.

Perhaps one of the most popular uses of Moonstone is for attracting and increasing the vibrations of love, relationships, passion, and romance. It helps to dissolve anger from relationships, and opens us to more readily receive the love extended by others.

It is a powerful crystal for all Psychic and intuitive work as well as intuitive connection with the natural cycles and flow of one's physical body.

If you're seeking to deepen your connection to the Moon, the Goddess, and the Divine Feminine, Moonstone is my personal number one choice with all of its luminous qualities and its mystical, dreamy, and magical nature 🌕💖


Pandora's Box logo in gold
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